Dr. Robert Cutchen Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Meet Dr. Robert Cutchen

In 2009, Dr. Cutchen founded Albuquerque Vein & Laser Institute, a clinic dedicated solely to the diagnosis and treatment of venous disease. His goal was to provide the most advanced diagnostic and treatment options all in the comfort of his office without the need for hospitalization. Our goal is to treat every patient the way we ourselves would hope to be treated.

Read Dr. Cutchen’s full bio here

Vein Treatments Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Vein Treatments

We provide our patients with the most advanced and comprehensive vein treatments. See the difference between before and after.

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Aesthetic Treatments Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Aesthetic Treatments

We utilize the power of advanced laser technology to treat a multitude of cosmetic concerns. See what a difference our treatments can make.

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Patient Resources Albuquerque & Santa FeDo you have a question?

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Spider Vein Treatment Rio Rancho


Affecting between 30-50% of the adult population, the development of them is inevitable for many. However, the good news is that they usually respond exceptionally well to easy, in-office treatment! Although they are tiny in size, they can have a big effect on one’s confidence. We’re talking about spider veins, those small, damaged veins that most often appear on the surface of the legs or face.

Sclerotherapy Albuquerque

Spider veins can be a visual nuisance, even though they may never cause you any pain. When they first appear on the legs or face, you may not think much about them, but as they expand across your body like a web of tiny red or purple lines, they can cause you to be embarrassed, less confident, and make you feel as though you should hide behind clothing or makeup. It is so important to take care of your physical health and that definitely includes caring for your veins. Sclerotherapy treatments have a very high success rate for treating spider veins, making this treatment the favorite of doctors and patients alike. Here is what you can expect after having sclerotherapy injections for your spider veins.

Sclerotherapy Albuquerque

You do not have to live with the embarrassment or uncomfortable symptoms of Spider Veins! If you are one of the millions of women who often hide them under long pants, skirts, or dresses, or live your daily life with aching, swelling, burning, or cramps in your legs – treatment has never been easier! Spider veins are a very common problem and are relatively easy to treat with sclerotherapy.

Spider veins form over time because of a number of factors including genetics, age, hormonal changes or from having a job that requires standing for very long periods of time. Sclerotherapy is one of the lowest-risk cosmetic procedures available, and anesthesia is not required. It has been used since the 1930s and is considered the treatment of choice for varicose veins.

Spider Veins Albuquerque

No one likes to look at their legs or face and see little blue and purple lines networking across their skin like a road map. Unfortunately, millions of people struggle with these annoying spider veins and don’t know where they came from or how to get rid of them. Let’s take a look at what these spider veins are, how we can treat them, and how we can prevent them over time.

Albuquerque Veinwave

Tiny red, blue, or purple spider veins on and around your nose can be infuriating for both men and women. These visible veins on your nose can rob you of your self-esteem and confidence, leaving you hiding from social situations and cameras. Typically caused by the aging process, sun damage, trauma to the area or certain skin conditions, these tiny veins can leave you feeling self-conscious, but eliminating them has never been simpler!

Albuquerque Varicose Vein

The words “spider veins” and “varicose veins” can cause just about anyone to shudder. No one wants to walk around in shorts or skirts and have a network of veins looking like a road map on our legs. But, is vein removal a healthy, necessary medical treatment or just cosmetic? Let’s take a look!

Although Fall is full of so many fun activities like apple picking, hayrides, Halloween, and Thanksgiving, it’s also a busy time of year in the healthcare industry as patients scramble to schedule medical treatment before their annual deductible renews! So, along with deciding how many bags of Halloween candy to buy, this time of the year is also the best time to consider your Vein Health! Many people neglect their vein issues until they start to have serious problems, especially if they have not yet met their annual insurance deductible, but there are several reasons this time of year is the perfect time to see Dr. Robert Cutchen for vein treatment!

Albuquerque Spider Vein

Spider veins are small, damaged veins that can appear on the surface of the legs or even the face. They usually are not painful or harmful, but some people may experience an achy or heavy feeling in their legs and choose to treat them in order to look and feel their best. One very commonly asked question is about the recovery time for treating spider veins so that patients may properly plan to have the time off from work or have help with their family and other responsibilities during the recovery. Let’s take a look at the two most common treatments for spider veins and their recovery times.


Spider veins are extremely common – men and women of all ages experience them. They are most common on the legs but some people can develop them on the face. These small veins are usually caused by the natural aging process of the skin, sun damage, trauma to that site, certain skin disorders such as rosacea, or genetics. Removing facial veins requires a more precise and gentler treatment than removing them from the leg.