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Dr. Robert Cutchen Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Meet Dr. Robert Cutchen

In 2009, Dr. Cutchen founded Albuquerque Vein & Laser Institute, a clinic dedicated solely to the diagnosis and treatment of venous disease. His goal was to provide the most advanced diagnostic and treatment options all in the comfort of his office without the need for hospitalization. Our goal is to treat every patient the way we ourselves would hope to be treated.

Read Dr. Cutchen’s full bio here

Vein Treatments Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Vein Treatments

We provide our patients with the most advanced and comprehensive vein treatments. See the difference between before and after.

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Aesthetic Treatments Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Aesthetic Treatments

We utilize the power of advanced laser technology to treat a multitude of cosmetic concerns. See what a difference our treatments can make.

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Patient Resources Albuquerque & Santa FeDo you have a question?

Discover our FAQ pages to find your answers. If you still have a question, please call us at (505) 848-8346 and we will be happy to assist you.

Does Sclerotherapy Hurt?

Spider veins are a common cosmetic issue for many people. These small, damaged veins can make you self-conscious about the appearance of your legs. Sclerotherapy offers a way to eliminate spider veins with just a few injections.

What is Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins?

Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins. It uses a compound called a sclerosant that hardens and damages the vein walls. This damage causes the vein to collapse, stopping blood flow. Blood will easily divert to healthier veins. As the “gold standard” treatment for spider veins, sclerotherapy is safe and widely used. 

*Individual results may vary.

Does Sclerotherapy Hurt?

During your sclerotherapy appointment, our Nurse Sclerotherapist will precisely inject the sclerotherapy solution directly into your spider veins using thin needles that cause minimal discomfort. Treatment usually lasts less than 30 minutes. You may feel some tingling or other sensations as the solution is injected. 

In general, most people find sclerotherapy treatments quick and easy. The number of injections depends on the number of spider veins to treat. Ask our Nurse if you have concerns about what your sclerotherapy treatment will feel like. 

Is There Any Downtime After Sclerotherapy?

Immediately after your treatment, a soothing Arnica gel is applied to the treated area. You will also be given a compression garment to wear for two weeks. This garment will help collapse the treated veins for better results. You can return to work and most normal activities after treatment. You can resume running and other more strenuous activities after a week. Avoid soaking in hot water such as baths or hot tubs for two weeks. 

Request a Consultation

Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our highly trained staff members at Albuquerque Vein & Laser Institute will reach out to your promptly to schedule your appointment.

How Long Does it Take to See Results After Sclerotherapy?

You may find that your treated veins look worse before they improve. They may develop bruising and become darker. They will look better after about two weeks and fade within four to six weeks. Clusters of spider veins can take longer to disappear. Most people need three to five sessions to see their desired results. We will assess your progress after about four weeks to ensure the veins are fading as expected and to determine what additional treatments are needed. 

Spider or varicose veins treated with sclerotherapy will not return. However, you can develop new ones. You are more likely to develop new spider veins if you:

  • Have a family history of spider veins
  • Are obese
  • Sit or stand for long periods
  • Are female
  • Are pregnant or plan future pregnancies

Newly appearing spider veins are easily treated, so schedule a follow-up appointment if you notice an increase in them.

Take the Next Step

If you want to learn more about sclerotherapy, contact us at Albuquerque Vein & Laser Institute at 505-848-8346, or complete the form on this page, and one of our staff members will reach out to you promptly. 

Albuquerque Vein & Laser Institute is located in the Journal Center area of Albuquerque and proudly serves vein patients throughout the entire Albuquerque area, as well as Rio Rancho, Santa Fe, Santa Rosa, Los Lunas, and other areas throughout New Mexico.

** This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health, and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician


** This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health, and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician.

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